Nov 18, 2017 1 min read

2017 UBC Engineering Open House

Opening up to the next generation of engineers.

On Saturday, Envision showcased our projects to prospective engineering students at the 2017 UBC Engineering APSC Open House. The Open House introduces high school students to the academic and career opportunities present in UBC, from the Co-op internship program to engineering design teams.

Attendees at the Envision booth were treated to a showcase of all our projects and the mechanism behind them. A demonstration of our stopping mechanism for the Chem-E Car was prepared by Senior Chem-E Car Chemical Lead Brandon Chen, which gave audiences an insight into the integration of multiple engineering disciplines into all of our projects.

We met many bright and inquisitive minds and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for these students. For a recap on Envision’s demonstrations at the 2017 UBC Engineering Open House and future updates on projects and events, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages.




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UBC Envision UBC Envision